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Pipo – The Innocent Aliens
ピポ =無実のエイリアンたち=

Promotion Video [EN/JP]

Game introduction video of the card game, Pipo - The Innocent Aliens, published by Banana Moon Games.
It is a card game played with adorable alien characters.

バナナムーンゲームズのカードゲーム『ピポ =無実のエイリアンたち=』のゲーム紹介動画。


Japanese Version|日本語版

Producer: Hiroshi MAEDA
Film Director: Hiroshi MAEDA
Graphic Designer: Kinuka YOSHIDA, Haruna ISHIJIMA
Illustrator: Richard ZIMBA
Translator: Darcy LEWIS
Production Manager: Kumiko MAEDA
Publisher: Banana Moon Studio Sapporo

Works: Video and On-screen Media Creation

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